Saturday, April 28, 2007

This Is Your Season...Step Your Game Up!

Words Of Encouragement...

The words that come out of your mouth provide the environment you create around yourself. Be sure that when you speak that positive and encouraging words are being shared. Too often we discourage ourselves and others by what we say..."You'll never make it", "Go get a real job", "Stick to what you know best"...but what if what you know best is not your passion?

How about saying..."You can do whatever your heart desires", "I can see you being successful at that" or just simply..."I'm praying that it will all work out for you and I support whatever it is you wanna do". There are times we need motivation and the only way to receive words of encouragement is to give those same words to someone who needs them just as bad as you do. How would things be if we all supported one another and kept a positive outlook on what it is we want to accomplish? The windows of opportunities and blessings would be wide open.

Please take the time as often as you can, if not everyday, to give someone a positive word of encouragement. Take the time out to let someone know they are doing good and to keep up the good work. Let someone know that you are proud of them. This type of positive reinforcement is very important and necessary. Watch it spread and you'll see love spread as well. I want you to walk away from this blog with the understanding that "Love Is A Lifestyle"!

Keep doing what you are doing and making your dreams come true. The only way to predict the future is to create it. Keep your head up and a smile on your face. This is your season, so step your game up.

June Archer...In My Lifetime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice!