Never allow others the power to hold something or anything over you because they are caught up in their own feelings.
If there is something you want or want done, take the power into your hands and do what you gotta do for you!
In Life it is said that it's not the destination but the journey that is important. Whether it be a daily thought, past event or fond memory I hope you enjoy what I have to share...In My Lifetime!
Never allow others the power to hold something or anything over you because they are caught up in their own feelings.
If there is something you want or want done, take the power into your hands and do what you gotta do for you!
You can't follow your passion like you follow fashion. When others choose to change with the wind, stay the course and watch how your blessings follow you.
Let go of all your negative stuff! At the end of the day if it isn't helping you move forward, you've been going backwards since holding onto it this whole time and probably didn't even know it.
When you have a dream you must be willing to commit 100% of yourself for every opportunity you come across to succeed.
Don't waste your time convincing negative thinkers to think differently. It will only be a matter of time before you question yourself.
No matter the weather, situation, or circumstance always keep your head up and a smile on your face!
If you don't have the courage to take a leap of faith, have faith in taking the first step.
When was the last time you went the distance? Don't stop or quit until you succeed at making your dreams come true!
Having the potential to succeed is common amongst so many people. It is the uncommon effort that you display that sets you apart from the pack!
Be grateful for every opportunity you get, even when times get rough . The universe will appreciate it.
There is a rhythm to success. We all beat to the sound of our own drum. So once you find your cadence, get to steppin'!
Open up your heart to forgive those you truly want to love with all your heart. To hold grudges and carry a heavy heart is only blocking your blessings as well as the love you deserve in return.