Thursday, September 8, 2011

Maybe You Should Or Maybe Not...

Maybe you should, maybe you should not. Think it over but never let it end up becoming a maybe I should have or maybe I should not have situation. Consider the outcome be it good or bad before putting action to your thoughts. Most times you have one chance to make it happen and no time to undo or redo it.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Character Is...

Character is believing in yourself when others don't and the ability to not allow that to disrupt your master plan and big picture to succeed.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Share Your Vision, Magic Happens...

Find people that make things happen rather then trust those that make excuses about why things can't happen. Share your vision only with those who understand your dreams. That is when the magic will happen and those around you will make the dreams become a reality.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

You Know What's Best...

It is not what people around you are telling you that matters most. Those are just opinions from different perspectives to be considered or not. But it is the voice from within you that should be paid close attention to. Not everyone knows what is best for you as well as you do.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Anytime Spring Cleaning...

We worry too much about those that hate on our dreams and goals but forget about those that hinder our growth. You can keep the haters at a distance but the hinderers are among us. They may be a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend or relative. No hard feelings, it's never too late for spring cleaning!

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Quality Of Life Perspective...

You can make a difference in the quality of life for yourself and others important to you by just having the proper perspective and outlook of life. Always remember, it is not what you have that matters but what you can share with others that is important. When you get rid of all the stuff, make sure what you have left is substance, memories and meaningful friendships. That is a good life!

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

No Do-Overs...

Most of the time there is no next time, no second chances, no do-overs, no dress rehearsal. Most times it is simply do or die, now or never. Be prepared when opporunities come knocking and windows/doors open.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Pay Attention To The Right People...

You would be surprised to know there are more people that want to see you succeed than those that want you to fail. The thing most of us don't realize is that we are at fault for paying attention to the nay-sayers instead of the ones that want to see us win. let's start to focus on the right things and the right people in our lives.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Stay In Your Lane...

Never mind the business of others and what they are doing to use as some kind of measurement or report card of where you need to be or what you need to be doing. Stay in your own lane and that is where you will find continued success. Remember it is not a race to see who finishes first, but it is to see who lasts the longest.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Accomplish What Is Important But...

It is important to have goals to accomplish and the ability to achieve them. The proper perspective is to achieve the ones that matter most and count towards your being happy and satisfied. You don't have to complete everything you dream or plan, only to jeopardize being happy in the process or losing friends and loved ones along the way. Create memories that will last a lifetime.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

What If?

You never have to worry about the "What If's" in life when you live life to the fullest. When it is all said and done the only regret you should have is not doing what you love and loving those you care about most ten times more than you already did. Live your best life as best you can, always!

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Keep Quiet When Necessary...

Know when to keep quiet. But, more importantly know when to speak up. You don't have to speak to always get your point across. However, choose your words and timing correctly to make a monumental statement when you do speak. The tongue is a double-edged sword. Use it when necessary. Use it wisely. Use it to inspire!

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Nobody Is Perfect Without Trying...

Nobody's perfect. But everybody's trying. Try is the operative word. Nothing beats a failure, but a try. Don't make a power point presentation out of other peoples lives when yours wouldn't look so good on the evening news. Nobody's perfect. But everybody's trying. Encourage and inspire them to keep trying.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Who's Better?

Who's better than you? Be the best you can be at all times and you never have to compete with anyone but yourself.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Your Un-Divided Attention Is Needed...

When in doubt, go with your gut feeling. If your spidy senses are telling you something, more than likely whatever the situation is, it will require more detailed attention. Interpretation: Always pay attention and try to feel things out. Better yet, give certain situations your un-divided attention.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Make It A Day To Remember...

Make it a day to remember! If not, make it a day the devil, the haters and the nay-sayers will never forget!

J. Archer...In My Lifetime!

Get What You Deserve...

There are times you will have to be selfish and take what you deserve. If you wait around for others to give it to you, you might be waiting a long time. Even worse, you might be disappointed with the results and the efforts of those individuals. Everyone doesn't believe in give and take. They just take.

J.Archer...In My Lifetime!

Make No Comparison...

Don't compare your life to others around you. You have no idea what their journey is all about. The only thing you have in common with others is your opportunity to make the best of every day given to you. The only comparison that would really matter would be who made it happen Vs. who didn't.

J. Archer...In My Lifetime!

Finding Inspiration

They say you find inspiration in the strangest and most interesting places. All you have to do is open up your heart, mind and soul. When the light shines within, the light shines even brighter when it comes out.

J. Archer...In My Lifetime!

Simply, Don't Forget...

Never allow yourself to become overwhelmed or consumed by your day to day responsibilities that you forget to simply appreciate and enjoy life. You have one life to live. Live it one day at a time. One moment at a time.

J. Archer...In My Lifetime!