Maybe you should, maybe you should not. Think it over but never let it end up becoming a maybe I should have or maybe I should not have situation. Consider the outcome be it good or bad before putting action to your thoughts. Most times you have one chance to make it happen and no time to undo or redo it.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Character Is...
Character is believing in yourself when others don't and the ability to not allow that to disrupt your master plan and big picture to succeed.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Share Your Vision, Magic Happens...
Find people that make things happen rather then trust those that make excuses about why things can't happen. Share your vision only with those who understand your dreams. That is when the magic will happen and those around you will make the dreams become a reality.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
You Know What's Best...
It is not what people around you are telling you that matters most. Those are just opinions from different perspectives to be considered or not. But it is the voice from within you that should be paid close attention to. Not everyone knows what is best for you as well as you do.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Anytime Spring Cleaning...
We worry too much about those that hate on our dreams and goals but forget about those that hinder our growth. You can keep the haters at a distance but the hinderers are among us. They may be a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend or relative. No hard feelings, it's never too late for spring cleaning!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Quality Of Life Perspective...
You can make a difference in the quality of life for yourself and others important to you by just having the proper perspective and outlook of life. Always remember, it is not what you have that matters but what you can share with others that is important. When you get rid of all the stuff, make sure what you have left is substance, memories and meaningful friendships. That is a good life!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
No Do-Overs...
Most of the time there is no next time, no second chances, no do-overs, no dress rehearsal. Most times it is simply do or die, now or never. Be prepared when opporunities come knocking and windows/doors open.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Pay Attention To The Right People...
You would be surprised to know there are more people that want to see you succeed than those that want you to fail. The thing most of us don't realize is that we are at fault for paying attention to the nay-sayers instead of the ones that want to see us win. let's start to focus on the right things and the right people in our lives.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Stay In Your Lane...
Never mind the business of others and what they are doing to use as some kind of measurement or report card of where you need to be or what you need to be doing. Stay in your own lane and that is where you will find continued success. Remember it is not a race to see who finishes first, but it is to see who lasts the longest.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Accomplish What Is Important But...
It is important to have goals to accomplish and the ability to achieve them. The proper perspective is to achieve the ones that matter most and count towards your being happy and satisfied. You don't have to complete everything you dream or plan, only to jeopardize being happy in the process or losing friends and loved ones along the way. Create memories that will last a lifetime.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
What If?
You never have to worry about the "What If's" in life when you live life to the fullest. When it is all said and done the only regret you should have is not doing what you love and loving those you care about most ten times more than you already did. Live your best life as best you can, always!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Keep Quiet When Necessary...
Know when to keep quiet. But, more importantly know when to speak up. You don't have to speak to always get your point across. However, choose your words and timing correctly to make a monumental statement when you do speak. The tongue is a double-edged sword. Use it when necessary. Use it wisely. Use it to inspire!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Nobody Is Perfect Without Trying...
Nobody's perfect. But everybody's trying. Try is the operative word. Nothing beats a failure, but a try. Don't make a power point presentation out of other peoples lives when yours wouldn't look so good on the evening news. Nobody's perfect. But everybody's trying. Encourage and inspire them to keep trying.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Who's Better?
Who's better than you? Be the best you can be at all times and you never have to compete with anyone but yourself.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Your Un-Divided Attention Is Needed...
When in doubt, go with your gut feeling. If your spidy senses are telling you something, more than likely whatever the situation is, it will require more detailed attention. Interpretation: Always pay attention and try to feel things out. Better yet, give certain situations your un-divided attention.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Make It A Day To Remember...
Make it a day to remember! If not, make it a day the devil, the haters and the nay-sayers will never forget!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Get What You Deserve...
There are times you will have to be selfish and take what you deserve. If you wait around for others to give it to you, you might be waiting a long time. Even worse, you might be disappointed with the results and the efforts of those individuals. Everyone doesn't believe in give and take. They just take.
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
J.Archer...In My Lifetime!
Make No Comparison...
Don't compare your life to others around you. You have no idea what their journey is all about. The only thing you have in common with others is your opportunity to make the best of every day given to you. The only comparison that would really matter would be who made it happen Vs. who didn't.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Finding Inspiration
They say you find inspiration in the strangest and most interesting places. All you have to do is open up your heart, mind and soul. When the light shines within, the light shines even brighter when it comes out.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Simply, Don't Forget...
Never allow yourself to become overwhelmed or consumed by your day to day responsibilities that you forget to simply appreciate and enjoy life. You have one life to live. Live it one day at a time. One moment at a time.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Appreciate Life,
June Archer,
Monday, May 16, 2011
Live Outside The Box!
If you want to live outside the box be sure to have a circle of friends who support and love you. You will find the ones that say they love you are the same ones who try to keep you boxed in. Sometimes you don't realize it is your loved ones who are guilty of this same behavior. Know your worth but most importantly see to it that others know it as well. Refuse to live in a box!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
You Don't Have To Answer Verbally...
There should never be a question as to whether you will be successful or not. The only question should be how successful will you be, period. No need to verbally answer the question, just let your actions speak louder than your words. However, if you feel the need to say anything just simply reply, I am walking in my blessings on the way to my goals and success, and I hope to see you there!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Winning Combination...
Competence, experience, and positive mental attitude make up a winning combination. Make sure you have the components needed to succeed. Without them your chances become somewhat slim and you risk the inevitable...failure.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Positive Mental Attitude
Try And Fail...
Some people try and fail. Some fail to try. Some can't help but fail. Some try and try again and then quit. The only people that are successful are the ones who never stop trying and are not afraid to fail in order to one day succeed.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Calling Audibles...
If you are trying to figure out or predict your future it can be easier than you think. Write down your dreams, goals and aspirations. That is your blueprint to success or lack there of. Plan your work, work your plan. You can predict the outcome if you follow your game plan but you'll have to call a few audibles along the way to success.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Keep Right-Minded People Around...
Sometimes the biggest challenge is to not lose focus of your goals. Keep positive like-minded people in your circle. You can't afford to have negative people around, they are a waste of time and money.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Dreaming While Awake...
You don't have to fall asleep to dream. Close your eyes every now and again and dream the wildest and most amazing things. If you believe in them they come true. When they do come true, life will feel like a dream. But don't sleep, they only come true if you work on them.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Money Vs. Time
The greatest asset in life isn't money, it is time. Be sure to cherish it before it runs out.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Fear of Change...
Change is good. Change is often times God presenting or offering a change. Embrace it and move forward. Most fear change and the unknown. Don't be scurred...
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Why Wait?
Good things come to those that wait. Great things happen for those that have an action plan. Don't wait for something good to happen when you can create great things right now!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
New Perspective...
Find interest in things unfamiliar to you, to gain a new perspective and understanding. You only know what you know. You don't know what you don't know and that makes the difference in those who choose to be succesful and those who end up stagnant.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Packaged Blessings...
Don't block your blessings! There are others who would die to have the blessings you take for granted! One persons burden is a blessing to someone else. Blessings come in different forms not always in a pretty package with a bow, but a blessing none-the-less.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Learning How To Count...
We count on the wrong things at times. We count our money, we count on friends and family. Nothing is totally wrong with that but...The truth is we should concentrate on what matters most and things that really count. Count your blessings before they run out.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Think Optimistically...
Instead of being disappointed about where you are in life, right now...think optimistically about where you are going or want to go. You will run into roadblocks at various points and stops in life. However, always keep in mind that adversity is not a dead end or reason to stop, but more like a detour to a better outcome along your journey.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Live Your Best Life!
Each day you wake up to live and see another day there is one important thing to remember. You only have one ride thru life so you might as well enjoy it. Keep in mind, life is a gift and not an obligation. Live your best life!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Motivating Others...
Find a way to motivate and inspire your family and friends to achieve success in anything that they are passionate about. The results will amaze you. What you come to find out is that you are motivated and at the same time realize your own passion. Every once in a good while we all need motivation and a swift kick in the pants.
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
J. Archer...In My Lifetime!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Watch Your Attitude!
The hardest thing about having a good attitude is that it doesn't stay that way on it's own. Surround yourself with positive people who see the good in things. People that look at life as a chore and the glass as half empty will most certainly always infest your mentality to have a bad attitude. Misery loves company so watch the company you keep.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Things Under Your Control
We must always be willing to compromise, bend sometimes and even adopt and adapt to change. Things will change, they always do. That is not to say they will always progress, though. That depends on many factors. The great news is that most of those factors are under our control.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Everyone has the ability to achieve great things. However, most choose to accomplish mediocre goals while achieving absolutely nothing. Then there are those who go above and beyond doing extraordinary things which allows them to reach and achieve EXCELLENCE! Never cheat yourself or your ability to reach greatness.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Time Management
Time management for your life is just as important as time management in your life. All the while we are here attempting to be productive, successful, wealthy and juggling everything that comes with it. Manage the relationships, friendships and all things important, that surround those things, while you have the time. Our time here is short, manage it properly on what matters most.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Random Act of Kindness
Never pass on the opportunity to share a kind word with someone who may need it. You just might inspire that individual or save his or her life by what you say. You yourself might learn something new about them or about yourself. Any type of random act of kindness goes further than you think.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Firm, Fair and Consistent
Always be firm, fair and consistent with all you do. Success will follow you all the days of your life when you do. Don't believe me? Try it!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Necessary Steps
Keep in the mind the steps towards anything positive should be well thought out, to a certain degree. There are steps in life that we take because our heart leads us in that direction. Take the steps that count, but do not be afraid to take steps that don't make sense today but makes perfect sense tomorrow.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Take That!
Never mind the days of getting what you ask for. You get what you negotiate. If that doesn't work, take what is rightfully yours.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Define Who You Are
When you allow people to define who you are, you give away a piece of your soul. Live by example and allow those examples to be your resume of who you are, where you have come from and most importantly, where you are headed. There is no success realized when going down a path that someone else has made for you, with their sole input.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Proper Perspective
Some things happen for a reason and some things happen by accident. Only the proper perspective will allow you to view things in the right frame of mind. To embrace the one which will be a blessing to you is what successful-minded people are able to determine.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Free Your Mind
In order to be successful at anything in life you must free your mind of the negativity that some use to win in the game of life. A clear mind is a concsious mind and is the mind of integrity and character. That is what you need to have in order to win. It is at that point in which success finds you.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
One Day At A Time...
Sometimes we want to live life like there is no tomorrow, but in our mind, our tomorrow is full of things that need to be achieved. So what now? Take it one day at a time and enjoy what you have in front of you, because for some, tomorrow never comes.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Experience Is The Best Teacher...
Never be afraid to try anything that may get you from one point to the next, all while gaining experience. Experience will teach you what you need to know, be it personal or shared. Never discount experience! At the end of the day, it is how you arrived at where you stand today.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Don't Ask, Don't Get...
In order to accomplish most things you have to adopt the attitude of "Don't ask, don't get". When used properly you can make your grandest of dreams come true. Don't believe me? Just ask and you'll see.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Worry About What Matters...
Worry less about your successes and failures and be more concerned with your journey, experience and life lessons along the way. Strive to leave a legacy that reads as a beautiful story, and not about how many wins or losses you have in either column.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
Decide For Yourself...
Don't be consumed with what others think or say, and allow it to consume your existence. You can ask for advice and the opinions of others but make your own decisions. It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
The Best Decisions...
There are times, despite everything, we should fight to maintain friendships and relationships. Then there are times that regardless of anything else, we have to do everything to rid ourselves of those cancerous friendships and relationships. Figure out which is which and make the best decision.
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
June Archer...In My Lifetime!
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