Todays Keys To Success...Never allow the insecurity of others to dim your light. If you have to fall back for others to feel better about themselves you're blocking your own blessings. So be careful who you consider a friend if they are stopping you from growing in 2010!
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
No Limitations With My Blessings...
Todays Keys To Success...Never allow the limitations that others may put on you to overshadow your talents. When you are blessed with the passion that fuels the fire you have to succeed, no human being has the ability to stifle that energy. Translation: Shake off the haters, tell the devil he's a liar and rock on with your bad self!
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Want More Than The Best...
"Todays Keys To Success...Some people are willing to live with the best the world can provide. For some that's not always good enough. You should push for nothing short of perfection."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, November 9, 2009
Problems Vs. Solutions...
Today's Keys To Success...The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting and thinking that having problems is a problem. But, there really aren't any problems, just solutions. To think otherwise is a problem...Change your perspective!
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My Lady Luck...
11/01/09: I've been blessed with meeting my lady luck today. Lorre Christina Archer came @ 7:43am - 5lbs 18inches. This precious soul came early but I am thinking that she might have been thinking today is the bye week for the Patriots game and didn't want to have her Daddy miss the game...I love her too much already. She might just be a true Patriots fan herself(smile). Whatever she chooses to follow is fine with me because I will be a fan of hers.
Lorre, I hope that you become all that you can truly be. Whatever you put your mind to. Whatever you are passionate about. Whatever you find love in doing with the purest most intentions. I pray that you have and succeed to the highest level. But know from this day forward and forever, you are truly loved.
I look forward to this journey of taking an infant to a teen, young lady and a woman. It is truly a blessed feeling to have this experience and will cherish this day for a lifetime.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, October 26, 2009
Struggle Hard!
Today's Keys To Success...Struggle as hard as you can for whatever you believe in. It is in the struggle that you will find your passion, beliefs and your heart have to work as one to accomplish the goals you set for yourself to become successful.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Forgive and Forget...
Keys To Success...Leave the past where it is. Sometimes we focus on the negative things too much. Forgive and Forget is the thing to do. Some say they may forgive, but never will forget. Well, you can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday. You can't attract positive energy when you're consumed with negativity.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, October 19, 2009
Live Well With Others...
Today's Keys To Success...Learn to live well with family and friends. Create a lifetime of great memories. So when we get to an age when we are no longer able to drive a nice car, live in a big house and wear the expensive clothes, you will have these memories with the ones you love, well after the material things are gone.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Don't Wonder...Just Do!
"Todays Keys To Success...Don't sit and wonder why good things never happen to you. Don't ask why you can't catch a break. Good things happen for those who refuse to lose. Keep Pushing, Keep Praying, Be Passionate, Be Productive and Stay Positive!"
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sense Of Urgency!!!
Todays Keys To Success...Your sense of urgency isn't that of the next man or woman. Do what you have to do to become successful. Relying on others compromises your goals. Don't get upset that they can't move when you need to make moves.... Their time isn't yours and not a priority. Do what you need to do!
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Good & The Bad...
Todays Keys To Success...Never be afraid to grow when life is good or in the times of adversity. Be grateful and appreciative of the best and worst of times. You deserve the good and learn from the bad. Never over-celebrate your blessings and never walk out on yourself when times are bad.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Right Vs. Best...
Todays Keys To Success...When in doubt, follow your gut and do what makes you happy. But remember, the right thing to do, isn't always the best thing to do. And the best thing to do isn't always the right thing.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, September 21, 2009
Blessed & Gifted...
Todays Keys To Success...Build on your strengths that you were blessed with so that they become second nature. Some say luck is when opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it. Luck comes and goes but when you're blessed and gifted you can do the impossible.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Opportunity Gifted,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Words Have Power...
"Todays Keys To Success...The power of the tongue is often disregarded. Be careful what you say and how you say it. Use your words to inspire and encourage others not discourage and stifle their growth. Your words are powerful, choose them wisely."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tunnel Vision...
"If you're going to move forward, you can't look behind you. Stay focused on your goal and not the static noise from around you or behind you.
You can't make progress if you don't focus on the road ahead of you."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
You can't make progress if you don't focus on the road ahead of you."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
No Dress Rehearsal...
Todays Keys To Success...There is NO dress rehearsal for life. We live in the "Here and Now". In these days, tomorrow is not promised. Live life to the fullest, Love with all your heart, Keep family and good friends close, Make money & Share with those in need. Go hard, go home or watch the rest of us get Bizzy!
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fear Vs. Belief...
"Todays Keys To Success...You can't make it until you BELIEVE you can make it. The most successful people in the world have a NO FEAR attitude and a sense of entitlement. Others FEAR success and BELIEVE they might not have a chance at anything. Why not you? Don't be afraid. BELIEVE!"
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Great Vs. Good
"Todays Keys To Success...Never let great be the enemy of good. A good decision made quickly is far better than a great decision made slowly."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"Todays Keys To Success...If you can't change the people that are around you, change the people that are around you."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Friday, August 28, 2009
Todays Keys To Success..."If you don't REACH BEYOND what you've ALREADY MASTERED you will NEVER GROW"
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Have A Goal...
"Todays Keys To Success...A goal without a plan is just a wish. Plan, Plot, Strategize and the Execute."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"Todays Keys To Success...Failing doesn't make you a failure. Giving up and accepting that you have failed and refusing to gather up the courage to try again does."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Chance Of Success...
"Your chances of success are directly connected to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you love to do."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, August 24, 2009
"Todays Keys To Success...Are you inspired today? Have you inspired someone close to you today? You should be inspired every day. Just to wake up and live to see another day is inspiration enough for us. But, be sure to inspire someone if only by your actions."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Follow The Leader...
"Todays Keys To Success...There is a difference between following followers and following leaders. The Difference is extraordinary."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Risk It All...
"Todays Keys To Success... To win it all, sometimes you have to risk it all. You'll never know what you can accomplish unless you try to go for it, and put it all on the line."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Know What You Want In Order To Be Successful.
Todays Keys To Success..."Know what you want. Understand what you're doing. Love what you're doing. Believe in what you're doing...It's pretty simple, don't make it complicated."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Positive Thoughts...
"Todays Keys To Success...It is only when you begin to replace negative thoughts and behavior with positive thoughts and behavior, that you will start to have positive things happen for you. It will change you and those around you. Be a positive source of inspiration."
In My Lifetime...June Archer
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Letter To My Son...The Day After
In life, there are things we do that we are happy about. Sometimes we are disappointed with things we have done. There are times we are proud of the things we did and not so proud of other things. I am both happy and proud that I had the opportunity to witness what I believe to be some of the most important events of my life.
It was October 16, 1995 when I took the trip to Washington D.C. to participate in the calling of a million men to assemble on the historic mall. It was a grand occasion that I will never forget. There were men from every part of the United States. Great Grand Fathers, Grand Fathers, Fathers, Sons, Grand Sons and Great Grand Sons. There was nothing like it and never will there be. Coming together as a sign of unity and strength, over a million men to change one man, that man being myself. It was truly AMAZING! When the time comes to share the story with you I pray that I can recall it down to the smallest of details that will allow you to live it vicariously through me as I relive it. This was one of those things to be proud of.
Yesterday January 20, 2009 will be a day I will never forget. A day that for many, was one that no person would have dreamed. At high noon the 44Th President of the United Sates of America was sworn into the highest office in our Country. Debating as to whether your Mother and I would make the trip I thought to myself, this is one event I did not want to miss. Remembering the intensity and energy of the million man march I attempted to convince mommy to go. Before I go further I would be remiss to mention we were in a snow storm before we left. We took off nonetheless. A decision I am glad we made. Did I do it for me? Yes. But most importantly we did it for you. I want you to know that above all else if you don't learn anything else from us that you will come to understand there are certain things in life that you have to accomplish and witness for yourself. At the end of this journey we call life all we will have are the memories we've created along the way.
We woke up at 7am yesterday morning and walked over 10 miles in the blistery cold to stand on that same Washington mall. However, this time millions came to see one man. A man we believe will be the advocate of change. We voted for him, actually on Tuesday November 4th, 2008 you and I went together. I held you in my arms as I filled out the voting ballot. Another memory I hope you will come to be proud of. Our vote counted and he was elected. We watched him become the 44Th President in front of our eyes. Yes we could have stayed home and watched it on television but there is no substitute for the response the millions assembled gave when his name was called over the loud speaker and jumbotron screens..."Ladies and Gentlemen our 44Th President of The United States Of America, Barack Hussein Obama!" The crowd went wild! Every race and nationality you could think of was witness to this great event. They came from everywhere to see this man of color become the first African-American to hold this position. I was happy to be there and proud to be an American.
I can only imagine that for your generation it will probably be the norm to have a man of color or a woman presiding over our Country. I pray I live to see that day. It would be a blessing to watch it with you and your children. Or maybe we will watch your children while you go and experience it for yourself.
I hope and pray that you take that journey not only for yourself but for me as I did for you. Do it for your children but do it so that you will have something to be happy and proud of.
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Monday, January 5, 2009
What A Difference A Year Can Make...
Happy New Year! What makes a new year happy? I guess that all depends on the individual and what his or her mind is programmed to believe. Money, Power, Respect...? Family, Health, Happines...? Some might agree the latter of the bunch is not as exciting as the first three. You can have it all if you focus properly. Having it all means have a blessed and balanced life and in return a great and happy new year for the whole year.
I enter 2009 with another notch on my belt. I am a son, a brother, a best friend, a husband and now a father. All are important to me but none more important than being a father to a young man that I pray will be all of these things one day as well. I hope and pray that I live long enough to witness every one of them come true.
He is such an inspiration that it gives me so much more meaning to life. Something deep inside of you wants to be kind so that others may be kind to you and those you love. I want him to understand the same things. In life it's not just who you know but who knows you. Be kind to others and live good with others for at the end of the day when the money, power and respect have no say in the nursing home...all you have are memories of those who helped make the journey a blessing.
Be good to yourself and to others. We don't know when our time may be up or when the good Lord may need us to do work directly with him so make every moment count.
Happy New Year!
In My Lifetime...June Archer
Best Friend,
Happy New Year,
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